In this java article, we will be covering conditional statement "ELSE IF". In java, we can perform conditional code execution with "IF" statements. Depend on result of a condition as true or false, we can execute a code. ELSE block gets executed when IF case conditional expression evaluates false. But before ELSE is executed, we can bind further "IF" statements to ELSE with cascading.
Lets look to syntax of explicit type conversation.
int x = 5;
int y= 2;
if(x < y) //??? ??????
System.out.println("y is greater...");
else if(y == 2)
System.out.println("y is 2");
System.out.println("y is smaller");
Lets see it in Java code example.
In above example, we declared 2 variable. We told compiler that if value of "y" is greater than "y" tell that its greater if opposite print "smaller", if its not greater and its "2", sub ELSE IF to print "it is 2". we print it to terminal output to test if our "IF" statement works.