Article Information
This SQL Tutorial contains and tries to cover following subjects:
- Explanation of SQL delete in SQL
- SQL delete a row
- SQL delete statement
- SQL delete syntax
- Example to Delete a row from Table in SQL
- Deleting a single row from Table
- Deleting all rows from Table
Articles tries to provide answer to following questions
- How to delete a row in the column of Table in SQL server?
- How to delete a record from database table?
- How to use sql delete in sql server?
- What is sql delete syntax?
Article covers followings indirectly:
- Basic query flow in SQL Server
Articles pre-requisites following information:
- General knowledge of SQL Server Management Studio
- General knowledge of Basic query flow in SQL
In this article, we will look into SQL delete, its basic form and sql delete syntax.
SQL Delete command is used to delete a record - a row from column in a sql table. DELETE command works row-based. Lets look basic syntax of SQL Delete statement and sql delete syntax.
Above SQL Delete command wipes out entire column. All rows are deleted. In point of view, SQL Delete is a dangerous command and before using it, it is required to control twice the condition. Because SQL Delete is one way command. Once the all rows are deleted, there is not an undo command to bring the data back.
Delete all rows in the column in SQL
In most cases, sql delete is used with WHERE condition to limit how many rows will be deleted. SQL Delete with WHERE condition syntax is as follows:
Above sql delete command will delete all rows in the Table. It wipes out all the data without further confirmation message.
SQL Delete a single Row
Lets see the syntax:
DELETE table1 where columnName = value1
Above sql delete deletes the row where condition matchs. For instance:
DELETE table1 where customerName = 'Beta Corporation'
Above sql delete command will delete only the row where indicated column name and its value match.
Example to use sql delete in SQL Server
We have a table customers in our database. We will first delete one row from the Table with providing a WHERE clause.
As above sql delete example indicates, a single row has been deleted from table. In next article, we will look more advanced form of sql delete to use JOIN to work on surrogate variation table to execute sql delete.